How to Like What You See in the Mirror

Are you happy with what you see when you look in the mirror? If not, why? We all have parts of ourselves that we wish were different. Thinner thighs, bigger boobs, clearer skin, flatter stomach.

Rather than feel dissatisfied with your appearance, ask yourself this: Are you treating your body with respect? 

By this I mean, do you have a regular exercise regime, eat healthy food, limit your alcohol intake and refuse drugs and tobacco?

If the answer is no, then perhaps changing your lifestyle choices will provide you with the slimmer physique or clearer skin you’re after.

If the answer is yes and you do take care of your body then congratulations! Accept that you are the best you can be and be proud of your unique body and soul.

I always wanted toned arms and a flat, hard stomach and moaned about why they weren’t as I wished. But one day I realized my health and physique are MY responsibility.

So I began to eat healthily, limit alcohol and established a regular exercise regime which I enjoyed and complimented my busy lifestyle.

I will only get six-pack abs if I complete 100 sit ups a day and bulging guns if I lift weights. I’m not willing to do either, so I accept my physique the way it is. We can only do our best and fit so much self-care into one day.

Allowing myself to imperfect has enabled me to feel satisfied with the body I have.

Self-love is accepting the body that was given to you, from head to toe. Look after yourself the best you can and you’ll have no reason to feel unhappy.

Here are some easy tips to start loving and respecting your body today:

1. Affirm your beauty. 

I am beautiful.

Repeat this positive affirmation ten times when you look in the mirror each morning. Try it for two weeks and start to train your subconscious to develop a positive mindset about yourself.

2. Add movement to your routine. 

Find an exercise regime that will compliment your weekly work schedule and find something you enjoy. Exercise doesn’t have to be excessive or even in a gym.

The great outdoors can be your gym with a daily 30 minute walk or jog. Introduce other small ways to get your body moving. Get off the bus one stop earlier or take the stairs. The more you move, the more your weight will too.

3. Eat clean and fresh food. 

The human body is the most amazing, natural piece of machinery on earth. Therefore, our fuel, the food we eat, should be natural too. By removing artificial sugar and processed food from your diet, your calorie and saturated fat intake is already reduced.

4. Cut down on alcohol. 

Alcohol is a major calorie contributor and batters your liver, one of the most important organs for removing toxins from our precious bodies.  A hangover causes lack of energy, cravings for salty, greasy food, dehydration and a negative, cloudy mind.

Cut out the weekly wine with dinner and save alcohol for a special occasion or weekend. When you do drink, have a glass of water in between each glass of alcohol to pace yourself and keep you hydrated.

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